In most cases, back pain in the morning is caused by tense muscles. One simple way to relax your muscles is to stretch regularly every morning. But the health benefits of stretching in the morning go beyond back pain relief. There are many other health benefits of stretching you should know about. Four most important health benefits of stretching in the morning are explained in the article below.
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4 Health Benefits of Stretching in the Morning
1. Stretching in the morning reduces and prevents back pain
How often have you woken up in the morning and felt back pain? If you know that the back pain isn´t caused by illness or injury, there is a great chance you will find help from stretching. Stretching relieves and prevents back pain by reducing tension in your spine and muscles. For many people, this one is the most important of all the health benefits of stretching in the morning.
2. Increased flexibility
A low level of physical activity and sitting down all day tightens your muscles and reduces flexibility. Stretching in the morning lengthens and relaxes your muscles and improves flexibility.
3. Better posture
Tense muscles lead to poor posture. Regular stretching in the morning relaxes and lengthens your muscles. Relaxed muscles keep the back in better shape and improve posture.
4. Improved circulation and increased energy level
Stretching in the morning helps to increase the blood flow to your muscles. More blood in your muscles means more energy in the morning. Stretching also increases blood flow to your brain and sharpens your concentration in the morning.
When stretching in the morning, remember to start slow and exhale as you stretch different muscle groups.
Try this exercise if you don´t feel like stretching in the morning, but still want to improve circulation and increase your energy level.