Hugging is an extremely positive form of communication. It expresses the values of love, approval, gratitude and forgiveness. Hugging is a great form of emotional satisfaction, but it also has some surprising health benefits. In this article, we will share with you the health benefits of hugging – the ones you probably haven´t thought about.
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Top 3 Health Benefits of Hugging
1. Hugging reduces the risk of heart diseases
High blood pressure is one of the main risk factors for heart disease. Studies have also shown that hugging lowers blood pressure and with it reduces the risk of heart diseases. For people with weak hearts or high blood pressure, this one is probably the most important one from all the health benefits of hugging.
2. Hugging relieves stress and makes you feel calmer
Several studies have shown that hugging makes you happier (what a surprise!). Hugs increase the level of hormones called oxytocin. This hormone is a trigger for bonding and caring responses. This hormone makes you feel calmer and less anxious.
3. Hugging is good for your relationship
When you think about it – it´s pretty obvious. But do you know, how hugging is good for your relationship? Hugging releases the hormones serotonin and dopamine. Those hormones make you feel good and lift your mood. As a result, you feel closer to the person who makes you feel good. A good relationship has also a positive effect on your overall health.
Those were the top 3 health benefits of hugging. But there are also other health benefits of hugging that should inspire you to hug more – longevity, stronger immune system and higher self-esteem. Some studies have even shown that hugging reduces some symptoms of Alzheimer’s.
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